
日期:2019 年11月13日 
中譯、來源:TOD 蒙允刊載





• 為川普總統的人身,情緒和屬靈方面的安全禱告。在他擔任總統的這段期間,針對他而發動的戰爭一直很激烈。甚至女巫也對他施咒來傷害他。破除這一切,宣告,“無故的咒詛必不臨到”。

• 請求主揭示所有的真理,而不是單方面的真理。真理就是真理,真理確實會讓人得自由。

• 宣告任何是意見而非事實的證詞將被挪除並從記錄中刪除。

• 以代禱抵擋每個政治議程,並隨著聽證會的進行,使該議程變得清晰明朗。

• 為那些作證的人們禱告,無論是支持還是反對彈劾總統的證人,在作證時都要敬畏主。

• 宣告上帝對美國這一代人身上的宗旨將不會停止。這就是這場戰鬥真正的核心所在。





2019年11月12日 GZI


當您觀看此影片(視頻)時,請宣告 不要讓美國這棵無花果樹在今年被拔除!
以路加福音13篇為 美國這棵無花果樹 禱告。

We have just completed Veteran’s Day in the United States. We remembered the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. We must never take for granted the freedoms that we have gained through those who have sacrificed for this nation. For all of our veterans, we thank the Lord for your choice to serve.

As I shared on Sunday morning, this is also a key time to pray for the fruit of the United States. The Lord had shown me the parable of the Barren Fig Tree in Luke 13 as a call to pray for the “fig tree” called America. There is a war to uproot God’s covenant plan in this land. The battle is not simply about President Trump, but issues linked with spiritual freedom. We are commanded to pray for our President and those in positions of authority, regardless of how we feel about them. If President Trump can be uprooted out of time, then everything that is being represented to shift this nation back toward certain spiritual freedoms can be uprooted. God showed me Luke 13 so we can decree this is not a time for uprooting, but to fertilize and dig around our President and this nation. As you watch this video, declare that this fig tree called America will not be uprooted this year!

Prayer Alert for President Trump
November 13, 2019

Dear prayer warriors,

We are in the middle of a week of prophetic meetings here in Dallas, leading up to our Global Prophetic Summit, which some of you will be attending. We can't wait to see you here. We are very sure they will be historic! If you can't be here with us onsite, you can still watch it all through the live stream. Find out more about that here.

As we have listened to prophetic voices from the United States and other nations these last couple of days, we have really been stirred up to pray for President Trump and the impeachment hearings beginning today. The warfare against our president has been intense and intensifying. God's purposes are being attempted to be aborted by those carrying their own agenda. Those who oppose the president just want him out of office, any way they can get him out. Liberal politicians are spearheading it, but some media outlets, entertainers, and other influential persons are pushing for his ouster, as well.

The Bible commands us to pray for our governmental leaders and our president is in need of our prayers, so join Mike and I today in prayer for President Trump and these hearings:

˙Pray for President Trump's physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. The warfare against him has been intense throughout his presidency. Even witches have cast spells against him in an effort to harm him. Break all of that off of him and say, "A curse without a cause shall not alight."
˙Ask the Lord to reveal all truth, not one-sided truth. Truth is truth and truth does set free.
˙Declare that any testimony that is opinion and not fact will be struck down and removed from the record.
˙Intercede against every political agenda and call that agenda to become clear as the hearings progress.
˙Pray that those who are testifying, both for and against the impeachment of the president, will have the fear of the Lord upon them as they testify.
˙Declare that the purposes of God for the United States of America in this generation will not be stopped. This is what the heart of this battle is really about.

You can write your Congressman by clicking here and telling them what you think about these impeachment proceedings.
For the future of our nation,

Mike and Cindy Jacobs