美國第二次革命/內戰 40

路22:36 耶穌說:「但如今有錢囊的可以帶著,有口袋的也可以帶著,沒有刀的要賣衣服買刀。」

美國第二次革命/內戰 40

(摘自雷克喬納(Rick Joyner) word for the week, Week40, 2019)



但是難道我們沒有責任保護我們的家人,夥伴或是鄰舍嗎?耶穌對他說:「收刀入鞘吧!凡動刀的,必死在刀下。」(太26:52)我們該注意的是耶穌在彼得砍下大祭司僕人的耳朵時,耶穌請他放下刀,並不是對此事忽略不管。耶穌很明顯的知道彼得帶刀,但他說:這不是爭戰的時候,但也有爭戰的時候。因為他後來說:那些沒有劍的,可以賣外套去買武器。(路22:36 耶穌說:「但如今有錢囊的可以帶著,有口袋的也可以帶著,沒有刀的要賣衣服買刀。」)那把刀是當天的武器。









如果只有我一個人的話,我可能會使用武器保護自己、勝於救那些攻擊我人的性命。這可能只是我個人自私的立場,如果站在死後有永生的觀點,我又希望在死後能與基督一同作王(即使我殺了人後) 。但我不太讓這件事讓人覺得我很魯莽,因為他可能是一樁自殺案,非殉道案。無論如何,我得承認我其實非常期待與主同在。如果有任何人的安全繫於我身上,我將會盡全力有效率的保護他。這是我的誓詞。你必須有你自己的誓詞。

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 40
Rick Joyner

This week, we are going to cover one of the more controversial issues: should Christians arm themselves? If so, should they join militias that emerge for local defense?

As Christians our enemies are not flesh and blood, and our weapons are not carnal. We are not here to take lives, but to heal and lead people to true life. This we must not forget. Our main victory in the battle to come is leading our enemies to Jesus so that they not only become friends, but brothers. This must always be our first devotion.

But do we not have a responsibility to defend our families, our fellow believers, and our neighbors? Jesus said, “Those who live by the sword will die by the sword” (see Matthew 26:52). We should note here that even though Jesus told Peter to put up his sword after he had struck the high priest’s servant, He did not say to get rid of it. He obviously knew that Peter had this sword and had brought it with him, but it was not the time to fight. Later He said, “Those who do not have a sword let them sell their coat and buy one” (see Luke 22:36). The sword was the weapon of that day.

As we read in Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for war and a time for peace. What Jesus said about the sword in the above cases seem to have to do with timing. Jesus was here to go to the cross and die for our sins. It was not a time to fight to prevent this. There are times in religious persecution when it is not time to resist, but to embrace the honor of suffering for the sake of the Gospel, and to even die as a martyr. However, when our country is under attack, and our families and neighbors are threatened by terrorists, mobs, or enemy troops, it is time to even sell our clothes if we have to in order to buy weapons and fight.

I see no basis for pacifism in The Scriptures. When it is time for war and we are still trying to live in peace, then we will be considered anything from foolish to a traitor. In I Timothy 5:8 we are told: “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Certainly this means providing them with food, covering, and shelter, but does it not also mean security? What kind of parent would we be if we did not do everything we could to protect our families?

I have thought and prayed about this, and poured over The Scriptures seeking understanding on it for decades. This is where I have landed. However, I also understand how others would land at a different place. If I judge them to be sincere in their conviction and not just cowards, I would never pressure them to do anything against their conscience.

This being said, now is the time to search out what we believe on this issue because it will soon be a major one. I was shown in a dream that veterans were a major provision from The Lord for our protection in the coming times, and many of these would be forming militias for community protection. I would personally join one of these and encourage others to do so as well. I would also be careful about any I joined, and would not join one that is racially motivated or motivated by other extremist beliefs.

If we decide that it is right to acquire a gun, we should be trained on how to use it or it could be a greater danger to our loved ones than to an enemy. It needs to be kept in a safe and secure place, far out of the reach of any children. This too is providing security for our families and loved ones.

As the times get more intense there will be militias popping up everywhere. In my dream, I saw them popping up like mushrooms across the United States. I encourage Christians to get involved in these early so that you can help steer them with godly motives and right strategies. We need to stand up for what is godly and right if they start to veer off.

Many will try to turn what unfolds into a race war. Others will try to make it about certain political agendas that they will be aggressive about. For me, it is about defending and protecting my family, including my spiritual family, and my neighbors, regardless of their race or political affiliation. If I have to take lives, I want it to be to save lives. This is where I have landed.

There is much more that needs to be said, and taught, about these issues, but for now we must do all of these things in faith, not fear. Now is the time to know what we believe so that we can take action with confidence when the time is needed. Start discussing these issues in your church and with your friends. Determine what you believe, and then take action to be prepared for the sake of those you love.

I have considered that if I was in a place where it was just me, I might not use a weapon just to save myself, but rather try to save those who are attacking me. Now this could also be a selfish motive on my part because I am so looking forward to eternity and being with The Lord that I get excited about the prospect of death. I do not let this cause me to be reckless because then it would be a suicide and not a martyrdom. However, I admit to looking forward to when my time is up here. Yet, if anyone else’s safety depends on me, I have determined that I want to be as effective in protecting them as I can. That is my conviction. You must have your own.