
作者:亞設·因崔特 Asher Intrater 
中譯/來源:復興以色列事工 。蒙允刊載

*譯註:本篇原文標題為「Five Big“All’s”」,特指本文中所提5 句經文英文原文的 ALL 一詞。


1 . 羅馬書11:26
(And so ALL Israel will be saved.)


2. 使徒行傳2:17
(It will come to pass in the end days, that I will pour out My spirit on ALL flesh.)


3. 馬可福音16:15(馬太福音28:19)
(Go into ALL the world and preach the gospel to every creature.)

隨著這三件事的全然應驗,國際教會 (ecclesia) 也會完全合一。

4. 約翰福音 17:21
(May they ALL be one.)



5. 撒迦利亞書14:2
(I will gather ALL the nations to Jerusalem for war.)

神的計劃是天上和地上「一切所有的」(弗1:10);祂的所有應許終將實現(林後 1:20)。末世時的所有事件都是環環相扣的。

Five Big “All’s”
by Asher Intrater
August 20th, 2019

This post is also available in: pt-brPortuguês nlNederlands

As we enter more into the End Times and closer to the second coming of Yeshua, there are several major trends which are moving toward their fulfillment. Of course, we in Israel are looking toward the great promised revival of our people.

1. Romans 11:26
And so ALL Israel will be saved.

In praying for this blessed event, I realized that such a revival in Israel would undoubtedly be connected with a wider outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The revival in Israel and the worldwide outpouring are part of one and the same occurrence.

2. Acts 2:17
It will come to pass in the end days, that I will pour out My spirit on ALL flesh.

The revival in Israel and the worldwide outpouring represent the last stage of the great commission. The gospel commission likewise comes to its completion at the same time.

3. Mark 16:15 (Matthew 28:19)
Go into ALL the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

As these three events come to their fullness, so will the international Church (ecclesia) come into its full unity.

4. John 17:21
May they ALL be one.

Yeshua’s prayer is more than for just unity, but for the fullness of love, glory and holiness within the people of God. The revival in Israel, the worldwide outpouring, and the completion of the great commission take place together with the Body of Messiah coming into its fullness.

As these wonderful developments come to their fullness, so will Satan and the world react against them with all of their “fullness.” The nations will be united in a massive attack on Israel in order to try to prevent, as it were, the coming of Yeshua.

5. Zechariah 14:2
I will gather ALL the nations to Jerusalem for war.

The plan of God is “all” inclusive, of everything in heaven and earth (Ephesians 1:10); and all His promises will come to pass (II Corinthians 1:20). All these events of the End Times are connected one with another.